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MC68HC08XL36 Datasheet, PDF (22/362 Pages) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc – HCMOS Microcontroller Unit
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Check the listing verify file thoroughly, then complete and sign the listing
verify form and return the listing verify form to Motorola. The signed
listing verify form constitutes the contractual agreement for the creation
of the custom mask.
ROM Verification
Units (RVUs)
After receiving the signed listing verify form, Motorola manufactures a
custom photographic mask. The mask contains the customer’s
application program and is used to process silicon wafers. The
application program cannot be changed after the manufacture of the
mask begins. Motorola then produces 10 MCUs, called RVUs, and
sends the RVUs to the customer. RVUs are usually packaged in
unmarked ceramic and tested to 5 Vdc at room temperature. RVUs are
not tested to environmental extremes because their sole purpose is to
demonstrate that the customer’s user ROM pattern was properly
implemented. The 10 RVUs are free of charge with the minimum order
quantity. These units are not to be used for qualification or production.
RVUs are not guaranteed by Motorola Quality Assurance.
MC Order
Table 2. MC Order Numbers
MC Order Number
1. C = extended temperature range
2. B = plastic shrink dip package
3. FU = plastic quad flat pack package
Temperature Range
– 40 °C to + 85 °C
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Go to: www.freescale.com