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K4R271669D Datasheet, PDF (10/20 Pages) Samsung semiconductor – 128Mbit RDRAM(D-die)
Direct RDRAM™
Field Encoding Summary
Table 5 shows how the six device address bits are decoded
for the ROWA and ROWR packets. The DR4T and DR4F
encoding merges a fifth device bit with a framing bit. When
neither bit is asserted, the device is not selected. Note that a
broadcast operation is indicated when both bits are set.
Broadcast operation would typically be used for refresh and
power management commands. If the device is selected, the
DM (DeviceMatch) signal is asserted and an ACT or ROP
command is performed.
Table 5: Device Field Encodings for ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet
Device Selection
All devices (broadcast)
One device selected
One device selected
No packet present
Device Match signal (DM)
DM is set to 1
DM is set to 1 if {DEVID4..DEVID0} == {0,DR3..DR0} else DM is set to 0
DM is set to 1 if {DEVID4..DEVID0} == {1,DR3..DR0} else DM is set to 0
DM is set to 0
Table 6 shows the encodings of the remaining fields of the
ROWA and ROWR packets. An ROWA packet is specified
by asserting the AV bit. This causes the specified row of the
specified bank of this device to be loaded into the associated
sense amps.
An ROWR packet is specified when AV is not asserted. An
11 bit opcode field encodes a command for one of the banks
of this device. The PRER command causes a bank and its
two associated sense amps to precharge, so another row or
an adjacent bank may be activated. The REFA (refresh-acti-
vate) command is similar to the ACT command, except the
row address comes from an internal register REFR, and
REFR is incremented at the largest bank address. The REFP
(refresh-precharge) command is identical to a PRER
The NAPR, NAPRC, PDNR, ATTN, and RLXR commands
are used for managing the power dissipation of the RDRAM
and are described in more detail in “Power State Manage-
ment” on page 50. The TCEN and TCAL commands are
used to adjust the output driver slew rate and they are
described in more detail in “Current and Temperature
Control” on page 56.
Table 6: ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet Field Encodings
ROP10..ROP0 Field
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2:0
Command Description
- - - - - - - - - --- -
No operation.
1 Row address
Activate row R8..R0 of bank BR4..BR0 of device and move device to ATTNb.
0 1 1 0 0 0 xc x x 000 PRER Precharge bank BR4..BR0 of this device.
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 x 000 REFA Refresh (activate) row REFR8..REFR0 of bank BR4..BR0 of device.
Increment REFR if BR4..BR0 = 11111 (see Figure 51).
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 000 REFP Precharge bank BR4..BR0 of this device after REFA (see Figure 51).
0 x x 0 0 0 0 1 x 000 PDNR Move this device into the powerdown (PDN) power state (see Figure 48).
0 x x 0 0 0 1 0 x 000 NAPR Move this device into the nap (NAP) power state (see Figure 48).
0 x x 0 0 0 1 1 x 000 NAPRC Move this device into the nap (NAP) power state conditionally
0 x x x x x x x 0 000 ATTNb Move this device into the attention (ATTN) power state (see Figure 46).
0 x x x x x x x 1 000 RLXR Move this device into the standby (STBY) power state (see Figure 47).
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 001 TCAL Temperature calibrate this device (see Figure 54).
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 010 TCEN Temperature calibrate/enable this device (see Figure 54).
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 NOROP No operation.
a. The DM (Device Match signal) value is determined by the DR4T,DR4F, DR3..DR0 field of the ROWA and ROWR packets. See Table 5.
b. The ATTN command does not cause a RLX-to-ATTN transition for a broadcast operation (DR4T/DR4F=1/1).
c. An “x” entry indicates which commands may be combined. For instance, the three commands PRER/NAPRC/RLXR may be specified in one ROP value (011000111000).
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Version 1.0 Dec. 2001