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E1 Datasheet, PDF (6/50 Pages) Renesas Technology Corp – E1/E20 Emulator
E1/E20 Emulator
1.3. Configuration of E1/E20 Emulator Manuals
The E1/E20 manual consists of multiple parts: the E1/E20 Emulator User's Manual and the additional documents
for the user's manual for each MCU.
Be sure to read each part before using the E1/E20 emulator.
(1) E1/E20 emulator user’s manual
The E1/E20 emulator user’s manual has the following contents:
 Components of the emulators
 Emulator hardware specification
 Connection to the emulator and the host machine and user system
(2) E1/E20 Additional Documents for User's Manual (RX User System Design)
The E1/E20 Additional Documents for User's Manual (RX User System Design) describes information necessary
for hardware design such as connection examples and interface circuits.
(3) User’s Manual and Help of Emulator Debugger
User’s Manual and Help of Emulator Debugger describes the functions of the E1/E20 Emulator Debugger and the
operating instructions.
 CubeSuite+ Integrated Development Environment User's Manual: RX Debug
 Help for e2 studio
 E1/E20 Emulator Additional Document for User's Manual (High-performance Embedded Workshop RX Debug)
1.4. Supported Devices
Supported Device List of RX E1/E20 Debugger
Device groups / groups
E1 Emulator
E20 Emulator
RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, RX62G
RX63x, RX64x
RX200 Series
RX100 Series
* The large trace function and realtime RAM monitoring function are not available with any MCU.
The available functions are equivalent to those of the E1 emulator (only the internal trace function in the
MCU and memory reference and modification during execution).
R20UT0399EJ0700 Rev.7.00
Feb 01, 2014
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