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CLD-AP70 Datasheet, PDF (1/11 Pages) Cree, Inc – Cree/NXP Task Light Reference Design
Figure 1
Cree/NXP Task Light Reference Design
Figure 1: NXP Cree task light
Introduction........................................................ 1
Design Approach/Objectives.................................. 2
The 6-step methodology....................................... 2
1. Define lighting requirements........................... 2
2. Define design goals........................................ 4
3. Estimate efficiencies....................................... 4
4. Calculate the number of LEDs needed............... 5
5. Consider all design possibilities........................ 6
6. Complete final steps......................................10
This application note demonstrates that an LED task
light can readily outperform its linear fluorescent equiv-
alent and incorporate dimming for mood setting and for
additional energy savings. Cree, NXP Semiconductors
and Bright View Technologies collaborated to design an
under-cabinet SSL fixture that exceeds linear fluores-
cent performance while keeping cost low and meeting
Energy Star performance specifications. This design is
a simple approach to fluorescent lamp replacement and
can easily be integrated into many linear lighting ap-
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tion. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at www.cree.com. For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at
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Cree, Inc.
4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, NC 27703
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300